Loan Repayment Calculator
Provides an indicative monthly repayment for your future home loan, allowing you to change parameters such as interest rate, repayment frequency and loan type.
Leasing Calculator
Gives an indication of monthly repayments on a commercial asset finance loan.
Stamp Duty Calculator
Gives an indication of how much stamp duty can be expected on a residential property purchase, depending on variables such as state & location, First Home Buyer status, and type of property being purchased.
Savings Calculator
Helps you work out how much you need to regularly save to reach your desired goal, whether your savings is for a house deposit, new car purchase or that next holiday!
Property Selling Calculator
Allows you to enter various costs associated with selling a property such as agent, government and solicitor fees based on estimate selling price of property to calculate total property selling cost.
Credit Card Calculator
Helps you calculate the monthly repayments required to pay off debt quicker.
Home Loan Offset Calculator
Demonstrates how much interest and time you can save by linking your home loan with an offset account.
Comparison Rate Calculator
Demonstrates the impact on repayments with an introductory rate and the conversion/revert rate.
Get an Asset Finance Quote
Use this to submit a new enquiry to our team who will provide you with an Asset Finance Quote, refined to your specific circumstances.